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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2


Dear Parents

Happy New Year!

The children have settled back into school and we are impressed with how hard they have been working.

In English, we have started reading a new book 'Lila and the Rain' by David Conway and Jude Daly. We have been looking at adding er and est to the ends of words for example happiest and happier. There is a quiz on Edshed for the children to practice this skill.

In Maths we are looking at money. Recognising coins and notes and counting different amounts. This helps with counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.

Don't forget the children have Little Wandle books to read on the Collin's Hub. If you are not sure how to access this please let us know.

If your child is taking part in Forest School don't forget they need suitable outdoor clothing including wellies.

Can you please ensure your child also has a water bottle and their PE kit in school.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 2 Team