Year 2
Thank you for all of your support with the Nativity this week. I’m sure you will agree the children were amazing and they really enjoyed the experience!
This week we have been looking at the poem ‘Snow’ by Walter de la Mare and discussing the imagery the poem creates and the use of rhyming words. Next week the children will be writing their own snow poems.
In maths, we have been revising 2D and 3D shapes and talking about the number of sides and vertices they have. Naming shapes is a great thing to practice at home.
For History we have been discussing the facilities on the Titanic and why so many people wanted to travel on it.
Next week will be very busy, we have Christmas lunch and Christingle on Wednesday and our Christmas craft morning on Thursday. On both days the children can come in wearing Christmas jumpers.
We hope you have a great weekend!
The Year 2 Team