Year 2
We hope you all had a lovely summer! It is so nice to have everyone back and ready for an exciting new year.
The children were so excited to go in the aeroplane on the playground today. It was such good fun pretending to fly to different places and learning about the Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Here are some bits of information which you will find useful.
PE -Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon - earrings will need to be covered with tape during PE.
Book change - Tuesday and Thursday, but please send books in everyday so that the children can read them in school. Please try to read books 3 times as this improves fluency and note down when you have read in the Reading Record.
Home learning - this will be set on Edshed and Collins Ebooks every Friday. The Edshed login has been sent home in the Reading Record and new Collins logins will be sent home next week. You have also been sent a SORA login - this is a fantastic virtual library provided by the Hampshire School Library Service - please see the attached letter.
Could we please ask that water bottles are named so that they can be returned if they are misplaced elsewhere in the school.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us or catch us at the end of the day.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Langton, Mrs Erdbeer and Mrs Cooper,