Year 2
Friday 17th May 2024
Happy Friday!
In English this week we have been continuing our work on the film Adventures are the Pits. We have acted out the film, written a recount from the boy's perspective and have also recapped imperative verbs. In maths we have continued our unit on measurement with us focusing on millilitres and litres. In geography we have been exploring why it is a good idea to shop locally and have designed posters to promote this and in RE we have continued our work on special foods thinking about who we share special foods with. Forest school group 2 also had their first catch up session and whilst they did this group 1 were exploring how to make a marble go down a run slowly and quickly.
Forest school group 2's second (and final) catch up session will be next Tuesday. Please could you make sure their forest school stuff is in school for this. Although the sun is making regular appearances the forest school area is still muddy!
Next week we have a very exciting week as we are off to Longdown on Monday and its sports day on Thursday. Please could you make sure your child has a water bottle, sun hat and sun cream for both these events and a packed lunch for Longdown unless you have ordered one from the school kitchen.
Have a lovely weekend!
Year 2 Team :)