Year 2
Friday 15th September 2023
It's Friday! Well done Penguins on another super weeks work - they have been superstars!
In English this week we have continued exploring our current text Blue Penguin. We have written our own recounts of the story and learnt about the past tense. In guided reading we have done some drama and sequencing based on Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and in maths we have been securing our place value knowledge of tens and ones using lots of resources to help us. In science we have looked at what things we need to survive and in geography we have been focusing on the environment in Antarctica. Penguins loved watching the videos of Antarctica! We have also been very lucky to start our Chance to Shine cricket sessions as well as incorporating rock, paper, scissors into PE...another firm favourite! Penguins give yourselves a big marshmallow clap and big round of a claws for a brilliant week!
Few Admin Bits and Bobs:
Reading journals, books and maths fluency cards were sent home yesterday. Book change will be a Monday and Thursday, however, please could their reading records and books come into school every day.
This week we also went on our first library visit of the year and everyone chose a book to bring home. If your child would like to change their library book please could you send it in on a Tuesday which is our library slot. Thank you!
Spelling and maths homework will be set on Ed Shed from Monday (the logins have been stuck into the front cover of their reading records).
Uniform message - please could we remind you that if your child has had nail varnish applied, this should be removed for school.
Most children in school are wearing appropriate footwear, however a minority of pupils are wearing trainers or labelled footwear. Please could we ask that you address this as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
PE day change from the blog last week! Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday this half time and then Monday and Wednesday afterwards.
And finally next Wednesday we are off to Woodpeckers for an autumnal festival - we can't wait for our first trip out of school this year!
Have a brilliant weekend and we will see you next week!
Year 2 Team :)