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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2

Friday 11th November 2022

The highlight of this week has been our Titanic day! The children absolutely loved dressing up and it helped them get into character when they were ordering their lunches from a sample Titanic menu and exploring what their cabins would have been depending on what class they were sailing in. Next week we are off to SeaCity which I know Penguins are extremely excited for!  

Aside from our Titanic day we have also started reading a new book in English called Samson's Titanic Journey. The children have been asking questions about the book, making predictions as to what will happen next and exploring Samson's feelings in the story so far.

In maths we have continued practicing our subtraction skills using number lines and in PE we have been developing our balancing skills. Nativity rehearsals are also in full swing. The children’s singing is lovely and I know they have been practicing their lines at home too - if you could continue to practice these with your children that would be amazing!

Also just a reminder about homework - it is set on Spelling and Maths shed every Monday and will always be what we are learning in class at the moment or a skill that we have previously learnt but a bit more practice is needed. Thank you for your ongoing support with this! 

Penguins give yourselves a huge rainbow clap for your all super work this week - you are all working so hard at the moment and continue to amaze me with what you achieve each day!

Have a fantastic weekend and I will see you next week! 

Miss Michael :)