Year 2
Friday 14th October 2022
It has been another super week in Penguin class!
In English, the children have written their stories based on Blue Penguin which were really lovely to read. The ideas they came up with were fantastic too!
In maths, we have been adding 10 to 2 digit numbers. The children have demonstrated amazing resilience with this as it was a little bit challenging to start with but all of them can now do it! I am very proud of them for not giving up and their determination to succeed.
We have also been continuing our learning about different habitats in science focusing on dependency of living things on other living things. In RE we have written prayers exploring what we are sorry for and what we are thankful for and in geography we have gone on an imaginary trip from Canada to Antarctica.
On another note than you very much for your patience with the Ed Shed homework. I think (and really hope!) it will now work as it should. With this in mind, on Monday I will set Maths and Spelling Shed homework.
If you have any question or queries please feel free to catch me at the end of the day.
Penguins have a lovely weekend and well done for another brilliant weeks work!
Miss Michael :)