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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2

Year 2 - 16.10.2020


We have made it to another Friday – where are the weeks going!? We have noticed a bit more of a chill in the mornings, but it has been lovely to see lots of sunshine too.

In English this week the children have been planning their own sets of instructions. We have focussed on writing instructions that make the audience laugh as our purpose is to entertain. The children have chosen an animal and a ‘How To…’ title. We have planned our instructions, making sure they are in order, using pictures and key words. We will use our plans to write our instructions next week.

In maths we started the week by solving problems with number bonds to 20. For now, we are moving on with our maths learning, but if you child needs/wants more practise with their fluency, please take a look at We finished the week with recapping addition and subtraction using different methods – pictures, equipment, number lines and counting on. Year 2 have worked very hard with this and have kept trying even when getting to the answer wasn’t as simple as it first seemed.


Our book change days are Tuesday and Friday. Library books can also be changed on a Tuesday. It has been wonderful to see so many of you reading at home. Please keep it up – it really does support children’s phonics skills, comprehension and reading fluency.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Miss Blick