Year 2 - Home Learning
Year 2 - Home Learning
Good afternoon
You have made it! It is officially the last day of home learning, and we have reached the summer holidays. Below are your activities for tomorrow. Have a good day.
Miss Blick
Subject Area |
Time Allocated |
Instructions |
Mental Maths |
15 mins |
Practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on hit the button: You could also practice your recall of number bonds to 20 and doubles/halves. Becoming fluent in these areas really does support our maths learning.
Maths |
45 mins |
I have attached a year 2 summer maths booklet for you. Have a go at completing some of the activities today and use it over the summer break if you wish J
Spelling |
15 mins |
Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed. Continue to work through the year 2 common exception words. Make a note of the ones you find tricky to spell and practise these.
Reading |
15 mins |
Read your reading book out loud. Tell someone at home what happened in the story, making sure it is sequenced in the right order.
Writing |
30 mins |
L.O: To create an ‘All About Me’ booklet or poster. Finish writing your All About Me poster/booklet. Don’t forget to keep this safe for September to show Mr Wilcox. I have attached a document that has a selection of writing tasks that you could choose from – just in case you have finished.
PE |
30 mins |
Joe Wicks: Yoga:
Golden Time |
30 mins |
Please enjoy some relaxing time! You could take part in some reading or colouring. You might choose to play your favourite game or learn a new skill. However you choose to spend it, enjoy J.