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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2 - Home Learning

Year 2 - Home Learning 05.05.2020

Good afternoon 

I hope you have had a good day. It is lovely to see the sun shining again! Please see below the activities for tomorrow. 

Subject Area

Time Allocated


Mental Maths  

15 mins

Complete the set activity on Mathletics.   Use your knowledge of number bonds for this one!


Maths – Counting

5 mins

Practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s



45 mins

L.O: To find total amounts.

Today you will be adding different amounts of money.  Use your knowledge of the value of money and adding to help work out the answers.  You could draw to help you work them out too.  When problem solving, you might need to try more than once to get the answer. There may also be more than one possible right answer!



15 mins

Please use your booklets to complete 15 minutes of handwriting practise.  Don’t forget your lead-ins and take your time!



15 mins

Read your reading book (or one from Oxford Owl).  Re-read any parts that don’t quite make sense.

Tell someone in your house what the story was about.  Were there any parts you did not like?  What was your favourite part?



30 mins

L.O: To respond to a text.

This week we are looking at ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’  A copy of the story is available using these links: or

Today you will be completing two activities.  One is a verbal activities and the other is using the suffixes er and est.



1 Hour

L.O: To build a house!

We all know the story of the three little pigs.  Attached is a copy for you to read together if you like. Which materials do you have at home that you could use to build your own house for a pig to hide in?  Be as creative as you like and use what you can find at home.  It will need to be strong, safe and waterproof in case it rains! You could test your house using a hairdryer or watering can. Think about what we have been learning about this week.  Also consider which materials would not work and why.

I would love to see some of your creations!