Year 2
Year 2 - 28.02.2020
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term.
This week in maths we have been working on time – quarter to and quarter past the hour. The children are doing really well and we are handing out lots of stickers and house points for anyone who tells the time throughout the day. Learning to tell the time can be a tricky concept for children and the best way to support them is to regularly practise. We would really appreciate your help with this at home so that the children can continue to develop this important life skill. By the end of year 2 children need to be able to read to the clock to the nearest 5 minutes.
In English we have started our new text which is ‘The Big Book of the Blue’. This is a beautiful book and we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring it this week.
Everyone was so excited for the disco tonight – I hope you all have a great time.
Enjoy the weekend, let’s hope it brightens up!
Miss Blick