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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 1 - 07.02.25

Good evening,

We've had an exciting week in Year 1! A special letter from the Natural History Museum arrived, asking us to care for a dinosaur egg the children discovered. We've been documenting its progress and staying in close contact with the museum. Excitingly, the egg has now begun to hatch!

In phonics, we’ve been reviewing this half-term’s learning, focusing on "growing the code." I’ve attached a Grow the Code sheet and a tricky word mat—our goal is for all children to read and spell these tricky words by the end of Year 1.

In Maths, we've been working on number bonds to 20 and making connections with number bonds to 10. We’ve also enjoyed learning doubles, particularly through the free online game Hit the Button – Doubles (play here).

In Jigsaw, we explored overcoming challenges through a story about a determined penguin. The children reflected on how they face difficulties and the importance of perseverance.

The first group has really enjoyed their Forest School sessions this half-term and looks forward to their final session next week. Due to schedule changes from the school panto and weather, some missed sessions have now been rescheduled—we’ll update you on when your child needs their Forest School kit again. A huge thank you to the parents who have supported these sessions; your help is greatly appreciated!

I look forward to meeting with you at Parents' Evening next week to discuss your child's progress.

Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team