Year 1 - 28.11.24

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Story Time yesterday! The children had a fantastic time performing The Three Little Pigs. This concludes our current English unit, and we’ll be starting a new text next week. Please remember to send in a photo of your child with their favourite toy by Monday, 2nd December to Miss Lever at:-
In Maths, we’ve been learning new subtraction strategies, using number lines and crossing out pictures. We continue to reinforce that the largest number should go first when subtracting. You can find fun interactive games on EdShed Maths.
In Phonics, we’ve introduced the following sounds: e-e (these) ew (chew, new) ie (shield) aw (claw). The tricky words this week are: house, mouse, water, want.
Handwriting: I’ve attached zig-zag letters for the children to practise if they’d like.
E-collins Books: Weekly books are set depending on your child’s group. Your child should be able to tell you which book they’ve read each week. We have talked about tracking the text using our finger and we have shared two ebook together today. You can access the books here.
Thank you to everyone who has already sent in costumes. If you haven’t yet, please send them in a named carrier bag for practice next week.
Don’t forget to join us for the Winter Wonderland tomorrow at 3:30pm! Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team