Friday 1st July
Year 1
We have had a lovely week, the children have worked so hard. They have been busy using all the skills they have learnt so far to complete different Maths and English activities. We have started a new book this week called ‘Oliver’s Vegetables.’ We discussed the front cover and wrote questions we could ask Oliver. In Maths we have been working on 3D shapes and solving addition and subtraction word problems.
In Art we finished our Great Fire of London pictures, we drew the black silhouette houses and added them to our background from last week, and the end results look fantastic. in PE we had lots of fun with the parachute, it was lovely to be out in the sunshine. In Science we helped teddy make an umbrella! We investigated which material would be best for it. The children had great fun with this investigation!
Please could I ask for all children to bring in a named carrier bag before the end of term, so we are able to put some of their books from this year in. Thank you and hope you all have a lovely weekend.