Friday 11th February
Year 1 Friday Blog
Dear Parents,
This week we have been continuing our work on Little Red Riding Hood. The children have made a poster about the Wolf and learnt how to write the days of the week using a capital letter. At the end of the week, we have started to write our Little Red Riding Hood Story remembering to use capital letters, full stops and an exclamation mark. The children have also been trying really hard with their handwriting.
We have been busy adding and subtracting this week. The children have used jottings, number lines, part whole models and bar models to read, write and interpret mathematical statements to 20. The children have been busy practising counting backwards from 50 and learning our number bonds song.
The children have been enjoying making music for a Chinese New Year dragon dance with Mr Thomas.
The children have really impressed us with their progress in reading. Thank you for all the reading you are doing at home it is making a difference. Due to the children reading more at home we have decided to change their books on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday now so that they keep up their enthusiasm!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 Team