Year 1

Year 1- Friday 7th January 2022
Dear Parents,
It has been such a lovely first week with the children! The children have all enjoyed being back together, and we have had lots of fun during our learning time this week.
We have begun our topic all about animals this week. We are going to be linking all of our subjects to this topic.
In English this week we have been thinking about a book called ‘Croc and Bird’. The children have predicted what they thought might happen in the story, described the characters of the story using adjectives and used pictures to sequence the main events in the story.
We have been practising our place value this week and been doing lots of counting. We have been counting up to 100 and then focused at the end of the week on counting in 2s and 10s. If you have any spare time at home practising counting to 100 and backwards would be great!
We are learning all about animals this half-term, this week we looked at pictures of different animals to see if we could name them. We then sorted them into types of animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish).
I hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing the children again next week.
Kind Regards,
Emma Whitfield