Year 1
Hello everyone,
We have had another busy week in Year 1.
In English, we finished our learning journey by writing a character description of the Giant. We have now moved onto our new one based around the book ‘The Queen’s Hat.’ The children are loving getting to know the book, making predictions and drawing their own hat for the Queen.
In Maths this week, we have been recognising different coins. The children have enjoyed finding out what coins we have and how much they are worth.
In Art, we had a great time searching for different leaves around the school ready to create our woodland creatures next week.
In RE today we have been looking at Creation. The children have been busy thinking of what the creator may be like as well as sequencing the seven days of creation.
I have added a link to some games if the children would like to have a go at home.
I am looking forward to meeting you all at parents evening next week.
I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss McKay