Year 1
Year 1 11/12/2020
Hello everyone!
We have had a lovely week here in Year 1. Topped off with a great morning today making Christingles.
In Maths this week we have looked at numbers to 50. We have used equipment to help us see how many 10s and 1s make up different number. I have added a top marks link if anyone wants to have a practice at home
A few of you have mentioned that Mathletics has not been working please let me know if that is still the case.
In English, this week the children have all written and published missing posters for their toys! The children have all included a variety of verbs to describe what the toys were doing when they were last seen. Along with descriptions so everyone knows what to look out for!
In Art this week, we have continued with our theme of Angels. The children started by discussing the key features of an Angel and then came up with their own Angel design. The children then drew this in their sketchbooks and chose colours similar to that used by Brian Wildsmith (Artist) to colour in our designs.
I hope you all have a brilliant weekend!
Miss McKay