Year 1
End of term.
Well, we’ve done it! We’ve come to the end of the Summer Term and the end of Year 1. I cannot put into words how proud I am of every member of my class and all of the parents who have been supporting and working hard at home during this lockdown period. They have all been superstars this year especially during the uncertain times we have had.
It has been a bit of a whirlwind year and so much has happened. But you have all worked so hard this year and are deserving of a fantastic summer break filled with lots of fun and laughter. Let’s hope that the sun comes back so we can all enjoy the freedom outside.
I feel very blessed to have been able to work with all of the children in Year 1. They are all superstars, who have shown great resilience and they all helped me feel like I belonged. I am going to miss seeing their smiling faces each morning!
It has been brilliant having the children back in school after lockdown, where I wasn’t sure if I would get the chance to see them again. But we have had so much fun together again. Some of our highlights have been;
- Learning to play Rounders and Handball together – they worked so well as a team and have become expert players.
- Sports Day - when they all showed what good sports people they are, encouraging one another and working together.
- Having dance sessions in class have been amazing, I cannot believe how talented they are and Miss Jones and I were never able to dance as well as them.
- Their positive approach to everything. They have shown such resilience which is impressive in those so young.
For those children who were not able to return to school after lockdown. You were missed and I know everyone here in school cannot wait to be reunited with you in September. You all worked incredibly hard at home and I will miss being able to say a proper goodbye to you all.
Miss Jones, Miss Scevity and I also wanted to say a huge thank you for all of your generous gifts and kind words.
I wish you all the best next year and in the future. Have a brilliant summer (don’t get up to too much mischief :-) ) and remember you are all absolutely wonderful!
Miss Murphy