Year 1 Home Learning

Tuesday 14th July 2020
Dobro jutro svima!
Yesterday Year 1 had their Sports Day and they were all fantastic. Everyone joined in with the different races and were great cheerers for their bubbles. I think the favourite race of our day was the water one. They all had a lot of fun trying to move water from one end of the line to the other, using a sponge. Brilliant!
Here is today's learning. I have included an activity which we did as part of our Sports Day yesterday and I will continue to add on some more throughout the week for you to try. - super dan!
Miss Murphy
Subject |
Time |
Instructions |
Phonics |
15 mins |
See attached PowerPoint for today’s task. |
Handwriting |
15 mins |
Look at your spellings today, copy them carefully into your handwriting books or onto the handwriting sheets attached. Remember your lead-ins and as an extra challenge, write out the four key words joined up in your handwriting books. |
English |
40 mins |
See attached sheet for today’s task. |
Spellings |
15 mins |
See attached PowerPoint for today’s task. |
Reading |
10 mins |
Read your own book and retell the story to an adult. If you need new books, you can access e-books on You can sign up for free and access age appropriate texts. |
Mental Maths |
10 mins |
Complete the mental maths questions. |
Maths lesson |
40 mins |
Watch through the video– Week 9 – Lesson 2 ‘Partitioning numbers’. Watch the video together, pause and answer any questions as they arise. This lesson should be about recapping their understanding. Then have a go at the sheet. Why not try the challenge cards to deepen your understanding? |
Quick Maths round |
10-15 mins |
Play hit the button Can you beat your score? |
OR Sports Day Activity |
30 mins |
Go on an adventure with Cosmic Kids Yoga.
See attached sheet. |