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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 1 Home Learning

Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning Everyone!

Here is today's home learning. I have included some Science in case the weather dries up later.  If it is still wet, I have put on a couple of activities you may like to do instead. 

Miss Murphy

Subject Area




15 mins

Complete the phonics sheet.

Then go onto Phonics play - phase 4 – choose a game you would like to try (we have played buried treasure in class).

Read the word out loud, break it down and blend as needed. 


10 mins

For your handwriting today, I would like you to do two lines of:

Capitals U, V, W

Then using your HFW booklet, copy out the next 4 words.  As a challenge, write each of these words into a simple sentence.


10 mins

Complete set tasks on Spelling Shed


30 mins

Read a favourite story of yours.  Then I would like you to write a book review on the story.

I have attached a couple of different book reviews for you to choose from or if you would like a challenge you could create your own in your Home Learning Book.

Mental Maths

10 mins

Complete the attached mental maths sheet.

Maths lesson

30 mins

Go to

Week 2 Lesson 3 – Make equal groups.


Watch the video and answer the questions as they come up.  You might need to watch the video more than once to support learning, going over any new vocabulary that comes up.  I would encourage the use of resources to try making equal groups practically too.


Complete the attached task.  The answers are also attached.


Quick Maths round

10-15 mins

Play hit the button

Doubles – Doubles to 10.

Can you beat your score?


5 mins

Have a look outside at the weather and don’t forget to complete your weather diary in your Home Learning Books.



45 mins

  • In Science this term, we are going to be exploring plants.
  • To start this topic, I would like you to hunt in our garden or while you are on a walk for plants and flowers and make a note of what you see or you can draw a picture of the different plants.
  • I have attached a sheet for you to use to support you finding flowers and also a sheet for looking at different creatures.  How many can you find?

Alternative if raining

45 mins

  • You could have another session of body percussion from Friday as that can be a lot of fun and it has endless possibilities for rhythms.  There are lots of short videos on youtube giving options - type in body percussion for kids.


You could have a go at creating a paper chain octopus.  Draw the body and build the legs out of paper chains.  It can be as big or small as you want.  I have attached a couple of examples below.


30 mins

PE with Joe Wicks.