Year R
Friday 29th November 2024
It's been a busy week in Badger Class - it's lovely to be back.
Nativity practices are becoming more and more regular now as it is fast approaching! I have been so impressed by how the children have been learning their lines - thank you for all of your support with this.
Regarding costumes, thank you to everyone who has sent in a costume. Please do let me know if there are any problems as we have some spares so it would be worth having a look.
I will be sending home some more information next week about our Nativity on the 11th December.
As it is the Winter Wonderland this afternoon, we have been unable to visit the library. We will try to fit this in one day next week so if you keep library books in bags, we will be ready to go. Thank you.
Our first Little Flames service at St Saviours is on Friday 13th December. We would love it if you could join us.
The Collin's E-books log ins are (finally) up and running. Hopefully this is something you will all be able to acces and enjoy sharing with your child.
Have a lovely weekend and we will hopefully see you this afternoon for Christmas fun at our Winter Wonderland fête!
Miss Prichard