Year R
Friday 26th April 2024
Another busy week in Badger class. We have been busy with our gardening project, digging out all of the weeds and preparing the beds. We have also made some pots out of newspapers and planted some sunflower seeds. We are excited to see how tall they grow!
We have been reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ this week. We have enjoyed sequencing the story and thinking of exciting adjectives to describe the animals and the fruit.
We have had another go at a self-portrait today. We looked back on our portraits from the Spring term and we were amazed at the improvement. Well done Badgers.
We are looking forward to our trip to Lymington Library on Monday. Please can you ensure your child has;
• A snack
• A water bottle
• Sensible footwear
• Warm trousers/leggings (weather dependent)/shorts
• A school jumper/cardigan
Thank you!
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Prichard