Year R
Friday 10th November 2023
What a busy week!
We were very lucky to have had 'West End in Schools' in today for a workshop about Diwali. The children listened to a story and learnt some actions for the key parts and characters. They then learnt a fantastic dance and put it to music. Well done Badgers, it was a super performance.
I hope you have now all received your invitations to our soup tasting! I am aware the time wasn't on there; it is at 2:15 on Thursday 16th November in Badger class. If you are able to, please could you email me if you are able to come, so we have a rough idea on numbers. I know things change so don't worry too much but it would be helpful if we have a rough idea. Thank you.
The children have brought home some new tricky words today. We have been very impressed with what they know so far so thank you for practising these at home.
Today, we will be sending home letters about the Nativity and costumes. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Prichard and Mrs Shilton.