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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 23rd June

Good evening everyone,

Another glorious week, weather wise, and we certainly made the most of it for our walk to Whitefield Moor. We were so proud of the children as they showed such resilience walking so far on their little legs. The adults were definitely exhausted by the end of the day - I hope the children all slept well too. We all had a lot of fun, with lots of time to chat, singing our old favourite Bear Hunt as we walked along together. The children were all ravenous by the time we reached our picnic spot, then there was time to play with the older children once all our food was eaten. The walk back to school was quieter, the children enjoying some shade bathing, as Payton told Vicky, as we rested under a tree! I'll pop some pictures on Tapestry for you all to see.

Back in the classroom, we are awaiting the arrival of our butterflies. All our caterpillars are in their cocoons and after school today, I moved them into their butterfly habitats in readiness for the emergence from their cocoons. 

Our bags were completed this week too, with some very colourful decoration being added.  The children were delighted to put some of their things in them to carry home. 

Have a great weekend,

The Year R Team