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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 26th 

Hello Everyone,

We've made it to the end of another half term! The sun has been shining and we're definitely feeling like Summer has arrived! Another busy week, ending with break the rules day, which has been lots of fun.  Here are the highlights of the week:

PE outside! The children thought I was breaking the rules early when I said we were heading outside. We had fun in the sun down on the field, getting in some practise for sports day which will be in July.

More PE, this time with some students from Brockenhurst College. We joined Year 1 this time, which the children loved. They were great listeners and played some new games with their usual enthusiasm.

Our class photo - Heidi came back in to join us for this and then stayed for a play. The rest of Badger Class were thrilled to see her, they got out all her favourite toys to play with and looked after her so well.

Our last Forest School Session - we have been so lucky this year that Dawn Dormouse has made the time to come and support Year R for their Forest School experiences. Dawn has recently had a promotion at work. A big well done to Dawn, but that means she is no longer available to volunteer with us. This week was therefore our last session. We enjoyed all our favourite activities, including popcorn on the fire.

Counting to 100! We have been finding out what 100 of something looks like, we worked as a team to make 100 in 10 towers of 10 cubes and then we had a go at counting to 100 with Jack Hartmann. Here's the link if you want to have a go at home:

We wish you all a very happy half term, have a great time and enjoy the sunshine,

The Year R Team