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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 19th May

Hello Everyone,

A full five days this week has exhausted us all, particularly as lots of us have had colds! But we've kept going and squeezed a lot in as usual. Highlights include:

Writing our book - Brilliant as Badger Class. I'll put pictures of the children's amazing writing onto Tapestry.

Phonics, as always. The children love their daily phonics lesson, especially Friday when we get to write a whole sentence. We had our last tricky words of the year - out, today - please keep practising them at home. It will be great if the children move up to Year 1 knowing them all with confidence. 

Talking about and painting pictures of our favourite animals.

Forest School with S'mores on the fire - delicious!

A visit to Forest Oaks for some children. Mrs Shilton was so impressed by how they interacted with the residents.

Little Flames at St Saviour's. It is such a pleasure to take your children out. They know the routine now and take it all in their stride. I can tell how much they have grown by how much quicker we make it to the church, although we were walking quickly to avoid the cows!

As the sun has finally started to shine we have been outside a lot. Please make sure that you have applied sun cream before school and that your child has a suitable sun hat with them every day. If they have sunglasses, these can also be worn.

Enjoy the sunny weekend,

The Year R Team