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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 21st April

Good afternoon everyone,

We've had a fabulous first week of the Summer term and have managed to be outside a lot enjoying some warm sunshine, although it seems to have disappeared today!

We are getting very excited about our trip to the theatre next week and in preparation have read Zog in class, alongside lots of other books by Julia Donaldson. We love the character of Princess Pearl, who decides to become a doctor and this lead us to think about our own career choices. The children completed some fabulous writing, sharing what they want to be when they grow up. 

Forest School was fantastic this week as it was warm, sunny and definitely not so muddy. There were lots of worms to be found, fires to be lit and soup to be slurped. Mrs Shilton disappeared halfway through the afternoon with six of the children who went to visit some of the residents at Forest Oaks in the village. They took part in an activity together making lavender and rose petal bags.  This outreach project will hopefully become a regular part of our week and another six children will go for the next visit.

In phonics there have been new tricky words (said, so, have, like) as we started Phase 4. There are no new graphemes to be taught this term, but the children learn to read words with adjacent consonants. Please make sure reading books and tricky words are in school every day.

A few children didn't have their waterproofs in school this week. Even though the weather is improving, the children still need waterproofs for every session. Please send them back into school ready for our next session.

Have a great weekend,

The Year R Team