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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 24th February

Good afternoon everyone,

The children were very excited this morning to take part in their first Brockenhurst Danceathon, an annual event in our sporting calendar. We have been practising our dances in our recent PE sessions and the children were ready to perform in front of an audience. I thought they might be put off by dancing in front of the whole school, but they showed no sign of nerves. Once the music started they started their funky moves and they were off. The end of the dance was greeted with a huge round of applause and a perfect score of 40 from the judges! Well done Badger Class.

On Tuesday the children loved making, and eating their pancakes. As a follow-up, we wrote our pancake recipe books. The children tried to work independently to complete their books and were very proud of their writing. They have brought them home to share with you.

The children were pleased to be back at Forest School on Thursday and it was lovely to see Dawn Dormouse after our break. There was lots of bridge and damn building, bug hunting and watching the cheeky pigs who are definitely trying to escape. The children were fascinated to watch Snuffles and Acorn digging with their snouts!

Have a great weekend,

The Year R Team