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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 3rd February

Good evening everyone,

As we slip into February the weather has definitely been a bit warmer and the children have enjoyed not needing quite so many layers while being outside. We're hoping more of our daffodils will be out next week.

There were lots of smiles as the children came in dressed however they liked today.  There was lots of excitement about the disco too - I know lots of them were planning to go. It's lucky we've been practising our funky moves during PE this week!

During phonics we have been reading and writing longer words. We have learnt a new phrase - chunk it up! This reminds us to split longer words into smaller parts to make them easier to read. I have added another new book to their e-libraries too.

In maths we have been using the words 'heavier' and 'lighter' as we compare objects. The children had great fun using the balance scales, particularly when I challenged them to find things that were equal and would balance!

I'm looking forward to seeing you next week - I hope you've all booked your appointments for parents evening. Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year R Team