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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 27th January 

Good evening everyone,

Our visit to the village hall yesterday was certainly the highlight of our week. The children were so excited to hear we were off to the pantomime to see Beauty and the Beast. Sitting in the front row we certainly had a great view - it was very loud, with lots of singing and actions to join in with and the children threw themselves into audience participation with their usual enthusiasm and some very loud shouting of 'he's behind you!' It was great fun and we all thoroughly enjoyed it.

We have also been busy back in the classroom continuing work on our Polar topic. The children have produced some amazing pictures of the northern lights - I'm sorry as I forgot to take a picture of them! I will rectify that next week. The art work looks amazing.

Badger class have also produced their first book about Arctic and Antarctic animals. The children worked so hard to draw a picture of their chosen animal and then write a sentence about it. Mrs Shilton and I were so impressed by their efforts. I do have pictures of this and will share them on Tapestry.

The children were worried that we wouldn't fit all our phonics cards on the washing line, but the last 2 were added this week: air - chair in the air and er - a bigger digger. We have also learnt to 'chunk it up' when we try to read longer words. I have added another book to every child's elibrary  as we have completed our 3 reads in class.

Have a super weekend,

The Year R Team