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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 21st October

Good afternoon Everyone,

We have made it to the end of a very busy half term - your children's first half term in Badger Class. They have already achieved so much and Helen and I are very proud of them all.

It was lovely to see so many of you for Parent's Evening this week. Following on from many conversations about phonics I have attached the programme overview for Little Wandle which shows the letter sounds we have learnt so far. I have also added the link for the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds website at the bottom of this blog, which has an excellent section for parents.  The children are very excited as I have told them we will be having reading books soon after half term.

We were very kindly donated some stick insects for our class which the children have been fascinated by.  We are hoping to have them out after half term for the children to handle! 

After a fun, but quite damp, forest school session yesterday we sent home all waterproofs for a wash. Please return them to school after half term ready for our Thursday afternoon session.

A date for your diaries: On Wednesday 2nd November we are hoping to make soup with the children. We would love to invite you in to share our soup at 2:15pm on that afternoon. The children don't know this yet, so act surprised when they come home after half term with an invitation for you!

Whatever you are doing, we wish you all a happy and restful half term,

Clare and Helen