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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Sunday 16th October

Another super week in Badger Class. We've been busy as always! Highlights have been:

Yoga - we enjoyed a special yoga session based on We're going on a bear hunt during PE

Gardening in the playground - we hope the primulas and violas will bring some colour to cheer us through the winter.

Conkers - we've loved singing this new song which Miss Martin has been teaching us in singing worship.

Little Flames - Mrs Shilton reports that the children were beautifully behaved for our first Little Flames service this year. They listened carefully to the story and joined in enthusiastically with the songs.

Bears - we have been reading non-fiction texts about bears. The children were amazed when we learnt how tall different bears could grow to. Grizzly bears can be 3m tall!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend,

The Year R Team