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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Saturday 1st October

We have had another great week in Badger Class. The highlight was definitely our first Forest School session on Thursday afternoon. We were lucky that the weather was fine, so once we had all managed to get into our waterproof trousers and wellies, we were able to spend the whole afternoon getting to know Dawn Dormouse and exploring the activities she had set up - photos to follow on Tapestry.

The children were also very excited to visit the library again, this time to take a book out. They should all have come home with a library book in their bag. These should come back to school next Friday, which is our library visit day.  A few of the children who were at pre-school still have outstanding loans from last term. Please have a look to see if you have any library books still at home and return to school. 

Have a great weekend,

The Year R Team