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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Friday 19th September

Good afternoon everyone,

We've had another fantastic week in Badger Class. The children are becoming such good friends together and are learning to work as a team. 

Our focus this week has been our 5 senses, thinking about which senses we will use to complete different activities.  The children are now experts and have enjoyed showing us how they can be senses detectives. They loved being outside for our senses walk too.

We have started our daily phonics lessons this week too and have learnt the first phonemes - s, a, t and p. We are using a new phonics programme in school this year and I will be holding an information evening about this on Monday 3rd October at 6pm. It will be an opportunity to hear how phonics is taught in school and how you can best support your child's learning at home. I hope you will all be able to make it.

We will be having our first Forest School session next Thursday. I know all the children have wellies in school and most have waterproofs in their lockers. We do always have a few spare waterproofs if needed. 

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend,

The Year R Team