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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Friday Blog - Saturday 17th September 

Good morning everyone,

We have had a fantastic week in Badger class, your children's first full week at school, filled with lots of exciting activities.

Starting school has been our mini topic for the week. We have read lots of books about this, comparing our experiences to the characters in the books. We noticed lots of things that are in every classroom - a home corner, a quiet reading area, lots of interesting toys to play with and, most importantly, some kind smiley teachers! We did decide that we seemed to be the only school with pigs!

I have completed the statutory baseline assessment on all the children this week. The children are unaware they were being assessed, instead were just showing me how clever they are! They all tried their best and it was a lovely opportunity to work with them all individually.

The children have settled so well as a class and Helen and I have enjoyed getting to know them this week. We have talked a lot about how to be a good, sharing friend as the children have got to know each other. They have come into class so confidently and are getting used to the routines of our days. There were lots of tried children (and adults) by Friday. 

We wish you all a restful weekend,

Clare and Helen