Year R
Friday Blog - Friday 7th May
Hello Everyone,
The children were so excited today to make their veggie superhero masks that we let them wear them home. I hope you agree they look fantastic!
We've been very lucky this week to be joined by 2 student teachers, Miss Yarrow and Miss Burwood. They are here for their first year placement with us for a few weeks and are enjoying getting to know Badger Class.
We have been focussing on teen numbers this week in Maths. The children have been excellent at counting accurately up to 20, but struggle a bit to remember which number is which. If you see any numbers up to 20 when you're out and about, please point them out to the children and see if they can recognise them.
We had another fantastic cricket session on Thursday. Coach Ryan was joined by Coach Martin and the children performed brilliantly in a batting and fielding game. I will share the clips on Tapestry.
Best wishes,
The Year R Team