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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year R

Home Learning - Tuesday 26th January

Dear Parents

Thanks to all of you and a big well done to all the children for our news share this morning. Thank you for being patient with us, as we were having a few technical difficulties in class as we started.  I think we realised that not only is it tricky to share your news, you also have to be quite patient to sit and listen to everyone else's!  We'll  have a think how we could modify and improve this session!

The learning for Tuesday is attached below. There is a sheet on Ice exploration which is for 2 days. The sheet is just a guide, I would love for the children to have a go at making ice and then playing with it to discover what they can! 

I have also included a recipe for Expedition cake, which will be on Friday's timetable. I include it today in case you need to go shopping.  This is a longer recipe, so please don't feel you have to make it, particularly if no one at home likes fruit cake. The news clip about a 106yr old cake from Scott of Antarctica being discovered is quite interesting.

Thank you for all the lovely posts on Tapestry,
