Year R
Autumn 1 Week 5
What a great week we've had in Badger Class. I am so impressed with how well your children are adapting to school life. In just a few weeks they have achieved so much.
On Thursday, they all helped me deliver assembly. What a brave thing to do - standing up in front of all the bigger children - yet they took it in their stride. We have had great fun in and out of the classroom, splashing in puddles and dodging the showers.
Hopefully you should all have received an activation email from Tapestry, the online learning journal, this afternoon. Once you have activated your account you will be able to see pictures and observations of your children. You are also able to comment on what you read too. If you have not received an email, please let me know and I will attempt to sort it out for you.
We are looking forward to our Bear Hunt next Friday. If you have not returned your permission slip yet, please do so by Monday at the latest.
Have a good weekend.
Clare Morris